Import Product Detail Sales Report

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This tool is available in the DEALER mode of Callproof. As such, most users will not see or have access to this tool.

Select Import Contacts in top section to import Detailed Sales Report

Upload Exported File

How To Import Your Product Detail Sales Report

During your setup, Callproof will test your Product Detail Sales Report export from RQ. Callproof will ensure that it's working properly or explain how to set it up so that it will work. Once this is done, the file can be used with Callproof.

In RQ, generate a Product Detail Sales Report. Export this file and save on a computer.

Inside Callproof, click on Dealer Contacts under People.

On the right hand side, select Import Contacts in the first group of links labeled Dealer. (see pic.)

In the top section labeled Import Contacts, click Choose File and select the export file saved from RQ.

Click Upload to import the file. This may take a few minutes depending on size of data.