Getting Started

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Getting Started

Outlined below are typical steps a company takes when signing up with Callproof. These videos will walk you through essential steps to help get you started. Further help documents are available on specific features and screens.

Adding New Users in CallProof

Adding New Users in Callproof

Now that you've signed up for Callproof, the first thing you need to do is add your employees.

Hover over People, and click on Company Directory. Click add Employee and enter your employee information.

You'll notice on the bottom there's a "Send Email Notification" checkbox. When you check this box, Callproof will automatically generate an email to this employees email letting them know you've created them an account in Callproof and what their login information is.

After creating the employee, click Submit.

Once you've done that, you'll be taken to their profile. Here you can adjust their rights, priledges and even upload a picture of your employee.

You can give them a title and designate if they are a manager. Keep in mind, those that are managers have access to the Company Directory and all settings within Callproof.

You can also check to allow them to delete contacts.

You can check if they can see all unassigned contacts in the system.

You can check Track GPS and Callproof will automatically refresh their GPS location data when they are out in the field using the mobile application.

You can also check Hide Events to hide their activity from the event feed.

You'll notice you've also got a drop down for Contact Radius. Once you put an address here in Callproof, you tell Callproof this employee is able to view contacts based on a radius around that address. That address doesn't have to be their home address or even their office address. It can be any address you want to use as the basis for your radius.

Once you've set all that up, click Update and Callproof will save all the data.

Creating Contact Types in Callproof

Creating Contact Types in Callproof

Now that you've added your employees into Callproof, we need to go in and do a little bit of customization to your account. The first level is going to be your contact types.

Hover over Home and click Contact Types.

You'll notice that when you first sign up with Callproof there are 4 standard contact types preloaded (Client, Lead, Prospect, and other). You can create as many or as few contact types as you'd like.

You can name them anything you want.

Also note that clicking on the edit button allows you to change the Contact Type name and add a picture. This will be especially usefull for your users that are utilizing Callproof on a mobile device. Whatever image you upload for that Contact Type will appear on their lists so they can visually designate the different Contact Types.

When viewing all your Contact Types, additional details can be seen. The first column shows how many of each Contact Types are in the system. Clicking the red X next to the number of contacts will delete all contacts of that type. (These will be removed from Callproof entirely and you will have to confirm since it cannot be reversed). This will leave the contact type, but delete any contacts of that type. The red X on the far right will delete all contacts of that type along with the contact type itself. (Callproof will make you confirm and this is not reversable).

A great way to think about Contact Types is buckets. What bucket do you want to put your contacts in? Keep in mind all contacts within Callproof must have a contact type so you want to create the buckets that are needed by your employees. Once added, employees will be able to search contacts by employee types by hovering over People and selecting Contacts.

Using Event Forms

Using Callproof Event Forms

Another flexible and incredible feature of Callproof is dynamic Event Forms. Event Forms can be created for various situations.

For this example, I'm going to talk about selling widgets.

Hover over Home and click on Event Forms. You'll see in this demo account there's a list of all the Event Forms I've created in here.

To make a new one, click Add Event Form. Give the form a name. Add any email address that will receive a copy of the form anytime it's filled out. Points can also be assigned if your company is using those. Once named and notification emails are added, click SAVE.

Now, you can add fields to your form. Click Add Field to begin building the form. There are 3 types of fields.

Regular Fields include the standard fields on contact profile info tab. These will have existing data preloaded when reps use the form.

Custom Fields are the custom fields that are created for your company needs and found in the contact profile details tab. These will have existing data preloaded when reps use the form.

Custom Event Form Fields are values that only show up in the Event Form. This data is not saved anywhere else.

Add fields one by one until the form is built. The videos shows a few fields being added.

Now that we have an Event Form, it can be added to any contact within Callproof. This form can be used on the website and mobile app.

To see the Event Form, hover over People and click Contacts. On the right for each contact are shortcut icons. Hover over the notepad to see all your Event Forms. Select the form you want to fill out.

When entering Event Forms, Callproof will also record location data and compare it to the contact's location data. If your computer browser asks for permission to record location data, select to allow.

Completed event forms can be seen in the contact profile's Event Forms tab. Location where form was entered relative to contact's location can be seen here. Click the arrow left in the left column will expand to show all Event Form data.

Event Forms: Import Your Contacts into CallProof: Reports in CallProof: Custom Fields in CallProof: