Opportunity Types
Path: Callproof Support - Website - Sales - Opportunity Types
What are Opportunity Types
Each level in the funnel is an Opportunity Type. These can be customized to match current company progressions of a deal as it moves along the sales process.
Edit Opportunity Types
To add a new level to the funnel, click ADD TYPE near the top right of the main info pane. This will load the edit Opportunity screen allowing the user to create a new type and adjust the colors.
Click on Opportunity Name, Opp FG, Opp BG, Funnel FG, Funnel BG or the notepad to edit the opportunity type.
Position can be used to move levels up and down the funnel.
Clicking the red X will remove the opportunity type. Callproof will ask the user to confirm this selection.
Opportunity Types Edit Screen
The edit screen allows colors and the opportunity name to be changed.
Opp FG - Click to change the opportunity font color when they appear in the funnel.
Opp BG - Click to change the opportunity background color when they appear in the funnel.
Funnel FG - Click to change the funnel level name font color.
Funnel BG - Click to change the color of the funnel level.