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Revision as of 19:34, 14 October 2013 by Jeff Epperson (talk | contribs)
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Path: Website - Navigation Bar - People - Companies

What are Companies

Company names are stored in Callproof and can be attached to contacts. When selecting Companies from the People tab users can see and update company names or contacts within a company.

Searching Companies

A search field is provided along with a sort order. Select by company name or address.

The sort orders are as follows:

  • Alphabetical - Sort companies alphabetically starting with A.
  • Rev Alphabetical - Sort companies in reverse order starting with Z.
  • Date Added - Sort companies by date added starting with the oldest.
  • Rev Date Added - Sort companies by date added starting with the newest.

Click on the Company Name or the notepad to the right of the company name to edit the name. Provide the new name and click Save.

To add a contact to a company, click the green + sign to the right of the company name. this will direct the user to the Add Contact screen.